As small companies grow, they quickly realize that simple backboard displays and tables no longer present their
company to the professional level that they require to experience continued growth. If the company in question was lucky enough to start out with a modular truss trade show booth, growth and additional accessories would have been a simple task.
But the question is “What to do if you already have a simple backboard display and want to integrate a truss booth into the equation?”
To start with, all is not lost; your first step is to decide on the size of display footprint that will meet your business needs. On average most companies will start with a 10×10 or 10×20. After some time, if more room is needed, adding more modular truss to the existing structure is easily accomplished.
Now that you have a modular truss traded show structure you have some decisions to make. If the backboard is still in relatively good shape, there is no reason why you cannot use your old display as the backdrop for the new structure. This will save you money in graphics and give you a nice backdrop to grow upon.
Adding monitors, chairs and other accessories is simply done. “See – The Ultimate Display Structure” for creative ideas on how to accessorize your display.
In essence you can easily incorporate a modular truss trade show booth into any existing display and use existing components to create a fabulous exhibit that you can properly represent your company with pride and position yourself for growth and success.
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